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/ Font Locker / Font Locker.iso / l / lombardo.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1996-03-25  |  25KB
Labels: bulletin board | door | earth | fence | person | reckoner | sidewalk | sky
OCR: abedefghuklmnopqrsiuvwxys abede fghuklmnopqrsiuowxys ihe quick bronn fox mps ovr the the quck brown fox jumps over the lasy Sop the qurck bron fox jamps ov&r the la3y dog the qarck brown fox Jam ps ov&r the la 37 dog th& qurck brown fox Jum ps Ov&r the la39 dos the qurck brown fox Jumps ov&r the la39 dos the qurck brown fox Jm ps ov&r the la39 doo abedef pimps bromn lasv la3v